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Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2008

6:00 PM Holden Municipal Light Department

Present: Christopher Lucchesi, David White, Rick Bates, Chief Sherrill, Mary Ryan, Karl Makela, Bob Beck, Chief Chandler

Absent: Brian Forts, Hal Lane, Peter Liddy

Others Present: Elizabeth Tsang, Dave Ellis, Dan Hazen, Reggie Judson, Jonathan Phelps, Ken O'Brien (7:30)

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.

Approval of previous meeting minutes:

There was no quorum to accept prior meeting minutes

Public Comment:

Elizabeth Johnson Tsang addressed the committee.  She spoke to her long history of having lived in Holden since 1951, a time when Rite Aid was a pond.  She is in favor of the Public Safety Building and wants to help publicize it.  She expressed a great deal of positive comments.

Comments from the Chair:

General Discussion:

Chris Lucchesi spoke to ideas for the library display.  His thoughts on what content should be included in the display were reviewed and include: Letter from the committee, Mission statement, Design and Elevations, Important dates, Key features to highlight, some FAQ's, and Comparisons of the three projects presented so far.

Ideas of other locations to display the information were discussed.  George Sherrill will speak to Dr. Pandiscio regarding putting up the display at the schools.

Bob Beck suggests having a handout to put with the display boards for people to take home with them to review.  It was considered a good idea and will be implemented.

*Existing Fire Station - why not use it?
*Is the proposed building big enough? YES
*Why is this smaller building more expensive?
*Why do we need new facilities for police and fire?
*Why do we need a new fire headquarters?
*What is the cost of doing  nothing? Dispatch, New Equipment, EMS

These are tough does this proposed plan compare to Public Safety Projects in other towns such as Granby, Paxton, and Lunenburg.  Paxton was a level lot, $8.8m, $255.00 per square foot.

Bob Beck is to work on refining the answers to the FAQ's and the informational flyer for the public.

New Business:

Need script for a canned presentation.  Bob Beck has done them in the past and will take this on.  He will work on and we will review in 2 weeks.  It should be 7 minutes and 20 seconds long, short and concise.  Chris, Board of Selectmen endorsement, waiting to see Landmark if there is any reaction from BOS vote.  Chris would like to do a "speak out" Best Investment for the town.

Public Comment:

Reggie Judson suggests a push for "Pride in Holden" and work with publicity.  People should trust the committee.  There is a need to have someone willing to speak at town meetings, to work with the press, and to work on publicity.  The building is a vote of confidene for public safety in our town. PRIDE!

Selectman O'Brien notes that on 2/2/08 the Democratic meeting is also a caucus so there should be plenty of people there.

Dave Ellis recommends that focus should be put on the important features - see list.


The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Approved: February 6, 2008